Friday, July 31, 2020

Trade Union Chess

"Davar's chess players in play against Egged's team." Davar, 26.12.58 , p. 7

In the 1950s Israel, as we mentioned before, organized labor was all-powerful. The Histadrut, which united most of the trade unions, was large enough to organize an important and large regular yearly championship between the unions. On 24.12, Davar reported two days later, the prizes for last year's championship were awarded and the first round of this year's championship began. 

It included ten teams of 4 players each. The contestants included trade unionists from the post office, Davar itself, the national bank (Bank Le'umi), Egged, the bus corporation (misidentified in the caption above as "Eshed", but spelled correctly in the report itself), and more.  

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