Monday, May 17, 2021

How Berend Lehmann won the King's Favor

The above quote has been brought to our attention by Herbert Halsegger, an Austrian chess historian. It concerns Berend Lehmann, the most important "court Jew" of his time (1661-1730), being an advisor to the courts of Prussia, Hanover, and Saxony. The memory is of his great-great-grandson, Emil Lehmann. Halsegger's translation (adding the last words of the paragraph, missing in this photo) is: 

He earned the favour of KING FRIEDRICH I. through a chessgame! Coming to an audience, the king played chess with PRESIDENT VON RUCK, said to him, he should wait, because his position is bad and he will lose. Berend Lehmann (Bermann) a fine chessplayer had an other opinion and played instead of the king and won!!

Such dramatic stories are often not 100% accurate, being in this case a story from nearly 200 years after the fact. But since Berend Lehmann was a well known archivist, among other things, and his descendant may well have had detailed family information, I am tempted to consider the story genuine. 

We add that Mr. Halsegger is engaged in research about, in particular, Jewish players of Ha'koach in Graz. Mr. Halsegger can be reached at: . 

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