Saturday, June 29, 2024

Baron, Banker, Chess Master - and Grandson of a Rabbi


Credit: Herbert Halsegger

Mr. Halsegger sends us these two close-ups of Ignaz von Kolisch's grave. He was a baron, a financier, and a chess master, and his coat of arms also shows two chess pieces. But the Hebrew part of his grave notes little of that. It says that he was a "famous wise man," and the name mentions that he is "Baron von Kolisch," but his most important achievement noted is the fact that he was... the grandson of the rabbi "the late just man Kaufman Kolisch," the rabbi and "head of the rabbinical court of the holy community of Stampen" (ph. spelling). 

By the way, "head of the rabbinical court of the holy community of" takes five letters only on the tombstone, using the acronym אבדקק - אב בית דין קהילה קדושה. 

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