Sunday, August 11, 2024

Jacob Yuchtman

Source: Shachmat, vol. 12 no. 1, p. 10 (above) and cover (below)

The player Jacob Yuchtman emigrated from the USSR to Israel, and then to Germany before finally settling in the USA. His life and his biography as a "forgotten artist" on the "Tartajubow On Chess II" blog had been brought to my attention by Mr. Herbert Halsegger

Yuchtman was never Israel's champion, but he was a (joint) winner of the third Israel Open Championship in December 1972. This is not to be confused with the invitation-only Israel Championship. He is seen as a joint winner with Czerniak in the two photos above, where (on the cover) he is described as a "new hope" for Israeli chess. 

His later life was not successful, chess-wise. He is described in the movie (and the book) Searching for Bobby Fischer as playing all comes in Greenwich village, advertising himself (truly) as a player who beat Tal. 

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